
Problemism (herein defined as the composition of draughts problems) is a creative activity within and alongside the game of draughts. Problemism means/contains search of new ideas, analysis, analysis retrograde. The end product is a draughts position, which may or may not have occurred in a game, with a definite task. This position (and further positions passed through as the solution progresses) must satisfy certain rules.

During the history of problemism several types of problem have emerged. At the present time the two main types are Combination Problems (C-Problems) and Endgame problems (E-Problems).

The International Rules are defined for these two types, with a view to the creation of a standard for competitions, organised or recognised by the CPI of the FMJD. Rules for other types of problem will be drawn up in the future as the need arises.

The present rules apply to international draughts problems.





These rules have been developed from the Dutch rules (G. Gortmans, "1001 miniaturen", Deventer 1938; the magazine "De Problemist", July 1969), the French rules (G. Avid, "Le problème de dames et sa technique", Paris 1958) and the rules of the former USSR ("Shashnechnyi Kodex", Moscow 1986).

1.1. Definition of the Type

The essential component of this type of problem is the sacrifice of White pieces leading ultimately to a won position. In the initial position the number of white pieces must not be less than 5. For each colour, the number of pieces must not exceed 20. The main technical definitions are to be found in articles 1.2 to 1.16. In the solution of a problem, the moves are usually given in short notation, only the square where the move ends being indicated. If, for example, both a piece on 47 and one on 48 can move to 42, the moves 47-42 and 48-42 are indicated as 472 and 482, respectively.

1.2. The Format

For all problems the task is ‘White to move and win’. First White move may not be as a capture move (as move herein defined a movement of a piece from a square to the square on which this piece finishs its movement). In a problem, any or all of the following five phases may occur:

A. The Initial Position.

B. The Introductory Play. This phase consists of moves at the beginning of the solution which do not involve a sacrifice of White piece.

C. The Combination. This phase consists of sacrifices by White, leading to an uninterrupted series of obligated or forced moves by Black. The moves of White in the Combination may be either captures or non-captures (including last move).

D. The Endgame Position. This is the position after the combination. Black’s first move in the endgame position must not be a capture.

E. The Final Position. Black has no pieces left, or is blocked.

Phases A, C and E must occur in all problems. The absence of phases B and/or D is not regarded as a weakness, and would not affect the evaluation of a problem in a competition.

Problems can be classified according to the number of pieces in the initial position as follows:

    1. Miniatures (at most 7x7).

    2. Small problems (at most 9x9, at least 8 pieces of either Black or White).

    3. Intermediate problems (at most 12x12, at least 10 pieces of either Black or White).

    4. Large problems (at most 15x15, at least 13 pieces of either Black or White).

    5. Giant problems (at most 20x20, at least 16 pieces of either Black or White).

This classification gives an idea of the length of the combination. None of these groups is to be regarded as being superior to any other. Organisers of a problem competition may state the maximum and minimum number of pieces according to their own wishes, irrespective of this classification.

1.3. Legality of the Initial Position

If in the Initial position one or more White pieces are attacked, the author must demonstrate how this position could result from an earlier one in which no piece, either Black or White, is under attack, and where neither colour has more than 20 pieces. It is not necessary to give a retrograde analysis up to the 20x20 initial position of a game, unless this is required by the special conditions of the competition. It is only required to prove the legality of the initial position, using both men and Kings if necessary. There is no obligation to prove that these previous moves would be best both for Black or White. An illogical previous move is a weakness if it has to be accompanied by a proof of the legality of the position. Though a so-called "logical" or "illogical" previous Black move is of course an illusion. In any initial position Black’s previous move is a mistake, because it enables White to play and win. There is no necessity to take this illusion into account as either a positive or a negative factor if Black is attacking White in the initial position. Whenever Black’s previous move can be identified, it implies an attack, which is perfectly in line with the purpose of the game, namely, winning.

1.4. The Combination. The sacrifice of White pieces.

The essential part of this type of problem is the combinational play, which consists of a series of sacrifices by White. Ever since G.Gortmans’ rules the notions of "economy" and "uneconomy" as regards to the sacrifices of the White pieces have been used in connection with the number of White pieces offered at one moment. In actual practice the "uneconomic" sacrifices (the sacrifice of more than one piece without some additional effect) always were considered as a negative factor.

The present RI take a different view on this subject. The absence of economy is not regarded as a negative factor. At the same time the concept of economy is to be maintained, because it plays an important role in judging the quality of a sacrifice. The "economic" sacrifice (1.4.1.-1.4.2) is considered as a very good feature in the development of the play.

1.4.1. The simple sacrifice and the economic sacrifice.

A sacrifice of one piece is considered as "the simple sacrifice". A sacrifice leading to the capture of two pieces by a Black man, beginning and ending on the row 36-40 and proceeding by way of White’s basic row 46-50, also is considered as "the simple sacrifice".

A sacrifice of two or more pieces leading to the capture by a Black man in a single move is considered as "the economic sacrifice" if it causes the appearance of a variant (1.11.- 1.11.2.) or if an economic Majority-sacrifice is presented. Any other sacrifice of two or more pieces by White is considered as "the uneconomic sacrifice".

If it is a Black King which performs the capture of more than one piece, the move of White leading to this capture will be regarded as economical sacrifice if there are appeared the Thematic or Non-thematic variants (1.11.– 1.11.1) or the economic Majority-sacrifice (1.4.2) is present.

1.4.2. The presence of the several directions of the captures.

Here we must distinguish between real and virtual choices for Black.

  1. Real: Black can choose from several possibilities admitted by the rules of the game, such as 1x1, 2x2, 3x3 etc. All such real options with two or the several directions of the captures are considered as economical, and this will also apply when further capturing possibilities are present, such as 1x3x3, 2x4x4, etc.

b) Virtual: Black has no real choice, because the rules of the game require the execution of the only move by which the maximum number of White pieces is captured (The Majority-rule). In this case, the Majority-sacrifice is economical if there is a difference of exactly one piece between the obligatory capture and the most fertile virtual one. [Exemples: 1x2, 1x3x4, 2x3x4, 2x2x4x5, etc.]

1.4.3. The statements of art. 1.4.1. and 1.4.2. apply exclusively to the phase "The Combination".

In the Endgame position the notion of the "uneconomical sacrifice" is applied only at the level: Rules Superior (1.17.3.).

1.5. The Endgame position.

There are two types of Endgame position, none of them to be regarded as being superior to the other one:

  1. the Short Endgame position: one move by both Black and White till the Final position (e.g. : 18/28; K46/K5; 45,K50/K6; K4/15,K36 etc.) apart exceptions indicated in art. 1.15.

b) the Playing Endgame position: more than one move by both Black and White till the Final position

Special requirements of the development of play in Endgame position (and its transformations) with a Black King (or with a Black King and Black men) does not exist.

It do exist special requirements of the development of play in Endgame position (and its transformations ) in which Black has a piece(s), which does (do) not stay in simple or multi opposition (art.1.15-1.15.4). These requirements are written in articles 1.5.1 and 1.5.2.

      1. If in the Endgame position (and its transformations) Black is not attacked, then:

  1. if Black has three (or more) men, which may move, in this case at least one of these men must execute more than one move till the appearence of the Final position. The sacrifice of these men on their first move or by one, two or three moves one after another is not considered as development of the play and it is not admissible.

  2. if Black has two men, which may move, in this case the sacrifice of these men on their first move or by one or two moves one after another is not considered as development of the play, and it is not admissible [Exception: admissible is the Endgame position with Black men 5,36 and a White King on the one of the following squares: 14, 19, 23, 28, 32, 37 and 46 if at least one of these Black pieces did participate in the previous play (art. 1.13.1.). In this case the White King move leading to this Endgame position must be exact].

  3. if Black has one man, which may move, in this case the sacrifice of this man is not considered as development of the play if Black has the choice: to sacrifice or not to sacrifice.

      1. If in the Endgame position (and its transformations) Black is attacked by a single White King in absence of any other White piece, then:

  1. if Black has at most three men, in this case a Dual is not permitted.

  2. if Black has more than three men, in this case such Endgame position may be considered as the end of the Thematic variation if White move(s) is(are) not exact till Final position.

1.6. The Final position.

The Final Position can be arrived at in two ways: directly after the Combination or after the Endgame.

1.6.1. The Final position appears immediately after the Combination.

This Final position must be pure. It means:

a) the presence of only one White piece (man or King) if Black is absent in the Final position;

b) the Black pieces are blocked, and White has nothing but the minimum number of blocking pieces.

1.6.2. The Final position appears after the Endgame position.

This Final position may be pure, but absence of purity in this Final position is also allowed. [e.g., the Short Endgame position: 43, K48/49, K26, where after (31)39/25 the the remaining position is impure, or the Playing Endgame position: 14, 36, 41, K46/47, 44. Solution (19) 39 (23) 33(28/29)22/24; this final position is impure]

1.7. The solution. Solving the problem means finding the winning series of moves for White. A position is not considered as a produce of problemism if there is no way to victory, or if there are several ways to victory. In a problem, there must be only one way to win, the one given by the author.

1.8. The second solution. This is a series of moves, different from those indicated by the author, which leads to a win before the Endgame position.

1.8.1. The second solution in the Endgame position. This is a move or a series of moves, to be played in the Endgame position of the author’s Thematic variant and different from the author’s solution, which leads as well to a win for White, but with a different Final position.

1.9. The Dual.

The Dual is the disturbance of the punctuality in the move(s) of White. The Dual does not lead to another Endgame position or to another Final position different from those appearing in the Thematic variant given by an author. The Dual exists with regard to the moves of White only. There are several types of Dual:

1.9.1. The alternative move. It means:

a) that a White piece can choose between two directions for a march without a capture with the same winning procedure [Example 1 (for a man): the moves 38-32-28 and 38-33-28 result in the same position. Example 2 (for a King): the moves 3-26 and 26-48 result in the same position like 3-25 and 25-48.].

b) that a White King can choose between two directions for a march with a capture with the same winning procedure [Exemple 3 : Black 13,19,23,26,30,38,42,45; White : 10,14,31,41,44; Solution : 4,4x27x25, 40,5 + or 4,4x31x25,40,5 +.].

1.9.2. The Freedom of movement for a White king.

This is a move, which may end at will on two or several squares of one diagonal.

1.9.3. The Interversion of moves. This is a change in the order in which White executes his moves.

1.9.4. The Prolongation of the solution, not leading to a Final position different from that indicated by author. [Example: Black K47; White 46,48,K15; Black to move. Solution: (36), and White wins either by 41,482(38)42/47, or by 4(47)15(36)41,482.]

1.9.5. Different sacrifices

This notion means the sacrifice of different pieces, without a change of Endgame or the Final position of the Thematic variant. [Example 1: Black 10,25,K14; White K2, K35, K45. Solution: 2-19(46) 30,5, or 35-19(46)30,5. Example 2: Black 2,11,16,43; White K3,K26,K35. Solution: 3-21,8,49+ or261,8,49+.]

1.10. The Mill-capture. It is a capture in which apiece executes a circle-movement.

Such move may consist a complete circle-movement and in this case it begins and finish on the one and the same square. But such move may consist also another movement and in this case a circle-movement is part of such move [Example 1: Black 8,9,13,17,28,36,38; White 24,29,37,40,48; Solution:43,31,23,23. Exemple 2 : Black 1,6,24,25,27,34,39; White 8,17,50; Solution: 44,2,2 +. Exemple 3 : Black 11,12,21,22,23,32,33; White 31,36; Solution: 27,27 +. Exemple 4 : Black 11,18,21,29,32,44,D23 White 10,14. Solution : 5,23 +.]

The inaccurate Mill-move executed by a White King is considered as a Dual (1.9.2). [Example 5: Black 21,22,23,28,31,32; White 39,D5; Solution: 33,44 or 50 +.]

1.11. The Thematic variant.

The Thematic variant (TV) is the development of the play with the exact order of moves indicated by the author, leading from the Initial position to the Final position without a Superfluous White piece (1.12.) and/or a Figurant (1.13.) either in the Endgame position or in the Final position if an Endgame position is absent. It is the author’s privilege to propose one variant as the Principal thematic variant (VTP) if several Thematic variants are present.

The presence of several Thematic variants is welcome, specially in the course of the combination, but it is in itself insufficient to make the Problem superior to one with a single Thematic variant. The originality and the spectacular character of the Combination remain the most important factors.

If its VTP is found to be defective, but some other thematic variant(s) is(are) presented, the Problem is considered as the produce of the problemism. If several TV are presented, they should be identified by upper case letters; lower case letters are to be used for Non-thematic variants and for Quasi-variants.

The organizers of a competition may specify an obligatory theme for the Thematic variant in a category.

1.11.1. The Non - thematic variant.

It is a development (appearing when Black has a real choice of moves) different from the development of the Thematic variant and leading to the win of White without the observance of requirements of the Thematic variant. [Example: 8,9,10,35,K49/37,42,45,K50. Solution: 38(46,a)40,5; a)(41)40,46. The variant a) is the Non-thematic variant.]

1.11.2. The Quasi-variant.

It is a development, which does not change the subsequent development of the Thematic variant if two (or more) Black pieces have the choice of the capture-move. [Example: 17,33,35,38,40,42/24,29,30,K4. Solution: 19(33x13, a) 49,48. The variant a) is the Quasi-variant: (35x13)4x27x35,48.

1.12. The White superfluous piece.

This is White piece, which is not necessary for the win in the Endgame position of the Thematic Variant (or in this Variant’s Final position in the absence of an Endgame position). No such piece can be permitted.

1.13. The Figurant. The Figurant is a Black piece, which is staying in the Endgame position (or in the Final position), which did not participate in the development of the play (art.1.13.1), and which:

    1. sacrifices itself in short Endgame position [1.5. a)];

    2. does not participate in the development of the play from the Endgame position till the Final position;

    3. is blocked in the Final position.

1.13.1. As participation in the development of the play there is considered the execution at least the one of the following functions:

  1. the movement of piece;

  2. the limitation of the movement of Black piece;

  3. the creation of the capture-move of White by its presence;

  4. the creation of the Initial position (with its transformations during the solution);

  5. the creation of the naturality of the previous move of Black if White are attacked in the Initial position.

Points d) and e) of 1.13.1. are demonstrated by two examples. Example 1: 6,8,15,18,20,37/11,21,24,27,29. Solution: 23,3,271,24. Example 2: 8,9,18,20,26,30,36/28,37,40,41,42,46. Solution: 38,23,34,37. In the Initial position Black man 26 may be removed, but then it is necessary to prove the legality of the Initial position. After the removal of the Black man 26 the legality is proved from the position: 8,9,16,20,30,36/21,22,28,37,40,42,46,47. After 471(18) the Initial position of this example appears, but from the point of view of the aesthetic impression such situation harms more than the presence of Black man 26 in the Initial position.

1.14. The Latent figurant .

The Latent figurant is Black man which did not participate in the development of the play (1.13.1.) before an Endgame position or a Final position and which is not staying in an Endgame position or a Final position being captured by a White piece during the combination. The Latent figurant may be removed out from the Initial position without an infringement either Initial position or a change of White moves of author’ TV [Example 1: Black 10,32,42; White 33,39,43,D50; Solution: 28,38,5 +. In this example Black man 10 is not latent figurant because Black man 10 is utilized to form exact capture move of White King. Example 2: Ruiter, De Problemist, February 1992 . Black 7,8,10,14,19,20,22,24,27,28,29,32,35,36; White 16,30,31,33,39,40,42,43,44,45,46,47,48,50; Solution: 394, 43, 33, 33, 39, 471, 11, 11x4, 49(41) 37(23) 450, 44, 5 +. In this example Black man 8 may be removed out from Initial position without an infringement of author’ TV, but if it will be done, in this case White moves will be changed: 394,43,33,33,39,471,11, 11x2,etc… +, Therefore Black man 8 is not Latent figurant.].

Nevertheless, Latent figurant may be performed in the Initial position to keep the TV if otherwise there is a Dual (or a threat or a Dual). [Example: 3,5,8,11,26,27,33,35/ 15,23,24,30,36,42,47,50. Solution: 10,31,42,2,9, 44. Black man 33 is the Latent figurant placed to avoid the threat of the second solution by first move 427 etc.] But the presence of a latent figurant in a problem is undesirable.

1.15. The simple opposition.

The present RI consider the simple opposition as the position in which one Black man and one White piece (man or King) are staying vis-à-vis over one square on one and the same vertical, or diagonal, or horizontal, where Black has no move apart from the self-sacrifice [Examples: 24/34; 25/34; 35/34; 38/D48; 36/D47; 36/D37, etc.]

Too the present RI consider as the simple opposition the following positions: 1/11, 11/21, 21/31, 31/41, 10/20, 20/30, 30/40 in spite of the fact there is more than one move till Final position is appeared.

The present RI don’t consider as simple opposition the position in which the Black man and the White piece are staying on different horizontals and diagonals (e.g. 36/K32 is not a simple opposition). Also positions in which the White man and the Black piece are staying on the same diagonal or vertical line at a distance of more than one square are not considered as simple oppositions. [Examples: 26/48; 8/28 etc.]. Such a position is considered as a Playing Endgame position leading to opposition (like, p.e., the position: 27/D1, Black move (32)29(37)47]

1.15.1. The Natural simple opposition. This is an opposition involving a Black man which has participated in an earlier phase according to a), b), d), e) of art.1.13.1.

1.15.2. The Artificial simple opposition.

It is the opposition in which the Black man may be removed without a distortion of the Problem solution. Such a Black man is considered as a Figurant, even if this removing leads to the appearance of the second solution or the Dual. At the same time the Black man present in the Artificial opposition is not considered as a Figurant in the Principal TV, if this Black man participates in some other variant. [Example: B.Shkitkin, "64", N 11, 1978: 8,10,11,21,28,32,38/ 19,20,24,30,40,43,47. Solution: 194(19,A)2,43, 38,38. A(49)5,23, 2,38,38. The Black man 28 stays in the Artificial opposition of the Principal thematic variant, but participates in the other variant and may not be removed.]

1.15.3. The Multi-opposition.

The Multi-opposition is a position in which two (or more) simple oppositions are present. The Multi-opposition is admissible only if each Black man in this position has performed at least one function according to 1.13.1. [Example 1: 17,20,26,30,35,39,40/28,31,32,33,37,44,50. Solution: 23,317,44,22,45. Black man 26 is placed to avoid the superfluous White piece 37 and has executed no function written in 1.13.1., therefore Black man 26 is a Figurant.]

The same requirement applies to the Playing Endgame position leading to the Multi-opposition: each of the Black men of that Endgame position must have performed at least one of the functions written in 1.13.1. [Example 2: 4,7,14,22,23,32,38/16,25,30,40,43,44,45. Solution: 20,27,34,27(12)22(9)29(13)23. In the Endgame position of this example the Black men 4 and 7 have executed no one function written in 1.13.1., therefore they are considered as figurants. Example 3: D.Bosma, "Het Damspel", 01.03.1931: 6,8,9,15,17,18,22,27,28,36/ 11,25,26,29,34,37, 38,43,44,47. Solution: 41,24,32,21,1. The Playing Endgame position leads to the Multi-opposition: (28)29(32)42(11)21(16)17(20,37)47. This Playing Endgame position is correct because Black men 6 and 22, arrived in the Multi-opposition on the squares 16 and 37 did participate in the creation of the Initial position, and, thus they correspond to art. 1.13.1. d).]

1.15.4. Everything written in the articles 1.15 - 1.15.3. is valid also if the opposition (simple or multi-opposition) is only a part of the Endgame position, e.g. if in some Endgame position there is, apart from the opposition (simple or multi-opposition), some other position which may be considered as either an independent Endgame position or a Final position (p.e., K46/K5; 36,41,K46/47; 43,K49/48,K35 etc.)

In these cases:

a) the Natural simple opposition is admissible;

b) the Artificial simple opposition is not admissible;

c) the Multi-opposition is admissible if it satisfies the requirements written in 1.15.3.

1.16. The main technical definitions given in arts. 1.1-1.15.4. applies equally to problems with and without Kings in the in the Initial position. The additional and essential requirement for problems with one or more Kings in the Initial position is, that none of these Kings can be replaced by a man.

1.17. Three levels of composition rules are defined, according to the conformity of the Thematic variant to restrictions in terms of the technical features described in 1.1-1.16: Rules of Base (RB), Rules of Master (RM), Rules Superior(RS).

The technical quality of a Problem is to be established by referring to the Rules Superior, it increases together with its conformity to the RS. However, this does not imply that a Problem at the RS level is automatically superior to one, which observes these rules less completely.

1.17.1. Rules of Base.

A problem satisfies the RB, if:

  1. the Initial position is legal (1.3.);

  2. in the Initial position equal pieces number of each color is present or a Black advantage is at most two pieces ( a White advantage is not limited);

  3. the Problem has a solution (1.7.);

  4. the author’s solution is the only solution (1.8.);

  5. there is no type of the Dual (1.9.-1.9.5.) on the first move of the solution.

Thus any position, invented or taken from an actual game, may be considered as a Problem, if it corresponds to the RB.

1.17.2. Rules of Master.

A Problem satisfies the RM, if the Problem has a solution (1.7.) given by the author as the Principal TV (1.11.), and if its the VTP satisfies the following requirements (if a Problem has only one TV then this one TV is considered as the Principal TV):

  1. the Initial position is legal (1.3);

  2. in the Initial position equal pieces number of each colour is present or a Black advantage is at most one piece or a White advantage is at most two pieces [An exception is allowed for the Giant problems (1.2), where Black may have an advantage of two pieces; in this case, however, there must not be any type of the Dual (1.9-1.9.5.) in the solution.];

  3. there is no solution apart from the one given by the author (1.8-1.8.1);

  4. there is no Dual, neither in the Introductory play nor in the Combination (1.2);

  5. there is no Dual on the first move of the White King in the Endgame position (1.5.-1.5.3) if this move is a capture [except the Dual in the Natural oppositions Black man/White king (1.15.1.): 32/K42, 33/K43, 38/K48, 39/K49, in these cases the Dual is admissible];

  6. in the development of the Endgame position the Dual is absent or at most one type of Dual occurs [except one case of the Endgame position with a single white King [1.5.2. a)], in this case the Dual is not admissible]. The presence of two types of Dual in one and the same TV and in one and the same move is not allowed.

  7. the development of play in Endgame position without an opposition satisfies the requirements of 1.5.1.-1.5.2. and the development of play in Endgame position with an opposition satisfies the requirements of 1.15.-1.15.4.;

  8. neither a Superfluous piece (1.12.) nor a Figurant (1.13) is present.

If a Problem presents several Thematic variants, then only the Principal VT must conform to the technical definitions in 1.1-1.16.; in that case the disagreement of the other TV with the requirements stated in the points d), e), f) and g) of this section is not a negative factor for these other TV and for the Problem as a whole.

The regulations of a competition may overrule conditions "b" by forbidding any material advantage in the Initial position, or by admitting an advantage of only one piece for any colour, in this case the point "b" no more valid. The organizers of a competition have a right to include point e) from RS (about inadmissibility of the Latent figurant) as the special condition of a competition.

1.17.3. Rules Superior.

A Problem satisfies the RS, if the Problem has a solution (1.7.) given by the author as the Principal TV (1.11.), and if its the VTP satisfies the following requirements (if a Problem has only one TV then this one TV is considered as the Principal TV):

  1. the Initial position is legal (1.3.);

  2. in the Initial position equal pieces number of each colour is present or a material advantage of any colour amounts to at most one piece.

  3. there is no solution apart from the one given by the author (1.8.-1.8.1);

  4. there is no type of Dual in the solution (1.9.-.1.9.5.);

  5. no Latent figurant (1.14.) is present.

  6. the Endgame position (1.2.) satisfies the article 1.5.1. and 1.5.2. a) and the Final position (1.2.) is pure [it is possible only in two cases written in a) and b) of 1.6.1.];

  7. all sacrifices of White pieces and all the Majority-sacrifices are economic or simple (1.4-1.4.3.);

  8. the Mill-capture (1.10.) is absent from the moves of White;

  9. the Artificial opposition (1.15.2.) is absent;

j) neither a Superfluous piece (1.12.) nor a Figurant (1.13) is present.

If a Problem presents several Thematic variants, then only the Principal TV must conform to the technical definitions in 1.1-1.16.; in that case the disagreement of the other TV with the requirements stated in the points d), e), f), g) h) and i) of this section is not a negative factor for these other TV and for the Problem as a whole. The regulations of a competition may contain the additional condition of a material equilibrium in the Initial position, instead of "b", in this case the point "b" is not valid.

1.18. These composition rules for problems were formulated by the technical committee of the CPI FMJD

[ Bruijn (The Netherlands), A.Tavernier (France), S.Yushkevitch (Ukraine, the chief of the committee)].

January 2002 – June 2002




2.1. All draughts problem competitions are conducted by correspondence. A competition must be run according to The International Rules (RI) from the moment of their issue. The RI are in force from the moment they are advertised by the FMJD in "Le Monde Damiste", or "The FMJD Almanac", or the FMJD websites on the Internet : or The advertisement of a competition must specify what kind of C-problem is acceptable as an entry to the competition. A C-problem will receive no points if it does not satisfy the conditions specified in the advertisement of the competition, or if there are less than 5 White pieces, or if the first White move is a capture, or if its development of play does not include a combination. (see 1.2.) A problem will also receive no points if it is substantially the same as a problem already published or took part in a previous competition. International master points are not awarded for C-problems at Base Level only. They are only awarded for C-problems at Master Level and Superior Level. Superior Level C-problems will always be accepted for Master Level competitions. For Superior Level competitions, only Superior Level C-problems will be accepted. Problems with joint authorship will not be accepted, except in team competitions. Master points are not awarded for problems with joint authorship.

2.2. Any problem entered for any competition must be accompanied by a solution written by the author. The problem must be previously unpublished. It must not have been entered for any previous competition. It must not be a corrected version of a problem (or a correction of the solution of a problem) which was awarded zero points in a previous competition. Both such and published problems may be entered in the so-called ‘retro competition’ which may be organised (or recognised) by the CPI every 4 years, where a candidate may submit not more than 3 problems for each type (combination and/or endgame). Problems must be sent by post. (Email is not acceptable.)

2.3. The panel of judges for any competition must include at least 3 and at most 7 members from different countries. The final score awarded to each problem from each candidate is worked out according to the following formula. If there are 3 judges then the average of the 3 scores is taken giving the middle score double weighting. If there are 4 or more judges then the highest and lowest scores are discarded and the average taken of the rest. Judges may also be candidates as long as there are at least 5 judges. Judges must not judge their own entries. Candidates can never be judges in the Individual neither World (Europe, America, Asia, Africa, Australian region) Championship nor Cup tournament. The judges only consider the solutions which have been submitted by the authors. Judges must be accepted by the CPI before the judging begins. The organisers of the competition may appoint a Chief Judge, who may or may not be one of the judges. The chief judge will be responsible for collecting the individual judges’ scores, remarks sent to positions, handling appeals, etc. Judges must not know the names of the authors until the defined results are issued. In the case of an appeal the chief judge shall be the only judge who knows the name of the candidate who has appealed.

2.4. A list of provisional results should be issued. This list should be a rank order only. Points scored should only be indicated for problems which have been awarded zero points. Authors’ names should not appear with the provisional results. All authors’ names and all points scored should include in the defined results. Infringement of the provisions of this paragraph will result in the non-endorsement of the final results of the competition by the CPI as regards the awarding of master points.

    1. The competition advertisers should include information as to where the provisional results and defined results will be issued. This information should be given in French or in English; a Russian translation should also be available. Competitors must be informed of the reasons for any zero score if such information is absent. Competitors may appeal against awards of zero points. They must appeal within one month of the publication of the provisional results, or within one week of the publication of the defined results. There is no appeal against the defined results. Appeals must be made to the organisers of the competition, who must inform the judges immediately. Appeals must be based on analytic errors of fact only.

    2. The person who receives the entries for a competition must not be one of the judges for that competition. Entries received should be sent to all the judges, or to the chief judge if there is one. Authors’ names should be withheld. Deadlines must be strictly adhered to. Authors may revise their entries subject to the following conditions. Only one revision is allowed. A completely new entry must be submitted including all the other unrevised problems (if any). This new entry will replace the previous entry which will be discarded. All entries must include solutions to the problems, and the names and addresses of the authors, otherwise they will not be considered.

2.7. The defined results must be issued between 2 and 3 months after the first list of provisional results is issued. This time limit can be extended in exceptional circumstances. (For example, if a new judge is appointed to replace a previous judge, or if a zero score appears in defined results which did not appear in the original provisional results.) Authors must not publish problems submitted to the competition until after the defined results have been issued. Should any author do this, his/her problem will be disqualified from the competition. Possible circumstances in which it might be necessary to issue a revised defined results are the following:

a) If it turns out that one of the judges is related to one of the competitors.

  1. If it turns out that one of the competitors has entered 2 or more problems which are too similar. In this case the problem scoring the most points is retained, and the others are disqualified.

  2. If an appeal against a zero score appearing in the defined results are upheld.

  3. If it turns out that a competitor has infringed paragraph 2.2 above.

Defined results become the final results within 2 weeks of their issue, if there is no situation indicated in a), b), c), d), of this section. If that situation is appeared, defined results become the final results within 1 monts after their issue. After defined results are issued no remark as regards to the quality of positions sent is accepted, except an appeal of a participant.

2.8. All problems should be given a score out of 100,0 (minimal score is ‘0,0’points). Once the provisional results have been issued judges may only revise their score for a problem if it is later found to be defective, or not sufficiently original, or if an appeal of a participant is upheld.

2.9. Anyone participating in any competition authorised by the CPI is regarded as having agreed to be bound by the International Rules of the CPI.

2.10. Any special regulations for a particular competition should be advertised. The advertisement of the competition should be given in English or French, and be translated into Russian. The advertisement of a competition should include the following information.

a) The organisation who will run the competition.

b) The number of sections, any restrictions on both the type and level of problem that may be entered for each section, a theme for each section: free or obligatory.

c) The numbers of Black and White pieces allowed in the initial position of problems entered.

d) The maximum number of problems that may be entered for each section by one author.

e) The address of the organisation running the competition, or of the person entries should be sent to.

f) The deadline for sending entries. (This deadline should be at least 3 months from the date of the advertisement of the competition.) The date of submission is defined by the post mark of sending.

g) Any other special conditions as may be required by the organisers of the competition.

h) Where the provisional results and the defined results will be made available.

2.11. Master points in competitions organised or recognised by the CPI FMJD must be awarded in accordance with the CPI FMJD statutes. The procedure for endorsement of a competition by the CPI FMJD (if not organised by the CPI FMJD itself) is as follows:

a) the CPI FMJD should receive a copy of the regulations of the competition, and the names of the judges before the judging starts;

b) the CPI FMJD should receive copies of all provisional and final results of the competition, including copies of the judges’ reports.

Recognition of a competition by the CPI FMJD is conditional on the International Rules and the CPI FMJD statutes being observed at all times. It is the responsibility of the organisers of the competition to ensure that this is done.

2.12. The French text of the International Rules is definitive in case of different interpretations. Amendments to the International Rules may only be made by decision of the CPI FMJD. The current International Rules were confirmed by the CPI FMJD 03.10.2002.

President of the CPI FMJD S. Yushkevitch

Secretary of the CPI FMJD S. de Bruijn









Problemism (herein defined as the composition of draughts problems) is a creative activity within and alongside the game of draughts. Problemism means/contains search of new ideas, analysis, analysis retrograde. The end product is a draughts position, which may or may not have occurred in a game, with a definite task. This position (and further positions passed through as the solution progresses) must satisfy certain rules.

During the history of problemism several types of problem have emerged. At the present time the two main types are Combination Problems (C-Problems) and Endgame problems (E-Problems).

The International Rules are defined for these two types, with a view to the creation of a standard for competitions, organised or recognised by the CPI of the FMJD. Rules for other types of problem will be drawn up in the future as the need arises.

The present rules apply to international draughts problems.





These rules have been developed from the Dutch rules (G. Gortmans, "1001 miniaturen", Deventer 1938; the magazine "De Problemist", July 1969), the French rules (G. Avid, "Le problème de dames et sa technique", Paris 1958) and the rules of the former USSR ("Shashnechnyi Kodex", Moscow 1986).

1.1. Definition of the Type

The essential component of this type of problem is the sacrifice of White pieces leading ultimately to a won position. In the initial position the number of white pieces must not be less than 5. For each colour, the number of pieces must not exceed 20. The main technical definitions are to be found in articles 1.2 to 1.16. In the solution of a problem, the moves are usually given in short notation, only the square where the move ends being indicated. If, for example, both a piece on 47 and one on 48 can move to 42, the moves 47-42 and 48-42 are indicated as 472 and 482, respectively.

1.2. The Format

For all problems the task is ‘White to move and win’. First White move may not be as a capture move (as move herein defined a movement of a piece from a square to the square on which this piece finishs its movement). In a problem, any or all of the following five phases may occur:

A. The Initial Position.

B. The Introductory Play. This phase consists of moves at the beginning of the solution which do not involve a sacrifice of White piece.

C. The Combination. This phase consists of sacrifices by White, leading to an uninterrupted series of obligated or forced moves by Black. The moves of White in the Combination may be either captures or non-captures (including last move).

D. The Endgame Position. This is the position after the combination. Black’s first move in the endgame position must not be a capture.

E. The Final Position. Black has no pieces left, or is blocked.

Phases A, C and E must occur in all problems. The absence of phases B and/or D is not regarded as a weakness, and would not affect the evaluation of a problem in a competition.

Problems can be classified according to the number of pieces in the initial position as follows:

    1. Miniatures (at most 7x7).

    2. Small problems (at most 9x9, at least 8 pieces of either Black or White).

    3. Intermediate problems (at most 12x12, at least 10 pieces of either Black or White).

    4. Large problems (at most 15x15, at least 13 pieces of either Black or White).

    5. Giant problems (at most 20x20, at least 16 pieces of either Black or White).

This classification gives an idea of the length of the combination. None of these groups is to be regarded as being superior to any other. Organisers of a problem competition may state the maximum and minimum number of pieces according to their own wishes, irrespective of this classification.

1.3. Legality of the Initial Position

If in the Initial position one or more White pieces are attacked, the author must demonstrate how this position could result from an earlier one in which no piece, either Black or White, is under attack, and where neither colour has more than 20 pieces. It is not necessary to give a retrograde analysis up to the 20x20 initial position of a game, unless this is required by the special conditions of the competition. It is only required to prove the legality of the initial position, using both men and Kings if necessary. There is no obligation to prove that these previous moves would be best both for Black or White. An illogical previous move is a weakness if it has to be accompanied by a proof of the legality of the position. Though a so-called "logical" or "illogical" previous Black move is of course an illusion. In any initial position Black’s previous move is a mistake, because it enables White to play and win. There is no necessity to take this illusion into account as either a positive or a negative factor if Black is attacking White in the initial position. Whenever Black’s previous move can be identified, it implies an attack, which is perfectly in line with the purpose of the game, namely, winning.

1.4. The Combination. The sacrifice of White pieces.

The essential part of this type of problem is the combinational play, which consists of a series of sacrifices by White. Ever since G.Gortmans’ rules the notions of "economy" and "uneconomy" as regards to the sacrifices of the White pieces have been used in connection with the number of White pieces offered at one moment. In actual practice the "uneconomic" sacrifices (the sacrifice of more than one piece without some additional effect) always were considered as a negative factor.

The present RI take a different view on this subject. The absence of economy is not regarded as a negative factor. At the same time the concept of economy is to be maintained, because it plays an important role in judging the quality of a sacrifice. The "economic" sacrifice (1.4.1.-1.4.2) is considered as a very good feature in the development of the play.

1.4.1. The simple sacrifice and the economic sacrifice.

A sacrifice of one piece is considered as "the simple sacrifice". A sacrifice leading to the capture of two pieces by a Black man, beginning and ending on the row 36-40 and proceeding by way of White’s basic row 46-50, also is considered as "the simple sacrifice".

A sacrifice of two or more pieces leading to the capture by a Black man in a single move is considered as "the economic sacrifice" if it causes the appearance of a variant (1.11.- 1.11.2.) or if an economic Majority-sacrifice is presented. Any other sacrifice of two or more pieces by White is considered as "the uneconomic sacrifice".

If it is a Black King which performs the capture of more than one piece, the move of White leading to this capture will be regarded as economical sacrifice if there are appeared the Thematic or Non-thematic variants (1.11.– 1.11.1) or the economic Majority-sacrifice (1.4.2) is present.

1.4.2. The presence of the several directions of the captures.

Here we must distinguish between real and virtual choices for Black.

  1. Real: Black can choose from several possibilities admitted by the rules of the game, such as 1x1, 2x2, 3x3 etc. All such real options with two or the several directions of the captures are considered as economical, and this will also apply when further capturing possibilities are present, such as 1x3x3, 2x4x4, etc.

b) Virtual: Black has no real choice, because the rules of the game require the execution of the only move by which the maximum number of White pieces is captured (The Majority-rule). In this case, the Majority-sacrifice is economical if there is a difference of exactly one piece between the obligatory capture and the most fertile virtual one. [Exemples: 1x2, 1x3x4, 2x3x4, 2x2x4x5, etc.]

1.4.3. The statements of art. 1.4.1. and 1.4.2. apply exclusively to the phase "The Combination".

In the Endgame position the notion of the "uneconomical sacrifice" is applied only at the level: Rules Superior (1.17.3.).

1.5. The Endgame position.

There are two types of Endgame position, none of them to be regarded as being superior to the other one:

  1. the Short Endgame position: one move by both Black and White till the Final position (e.g. : 18/28; K46/K5; 45,K50/K6; K4/15,K36 etc.) apart exceptions indicated in art. 1.15.

b) the Playing Endgame position: more than one move by both Black and White till the Final position

Special requirements of the development of play in Endgame position (and its transformations) with a Black King (or with a Black King and Black men) does not exist.

It do exist special requirements of the development of play in Endgame position (and its transformations ) in which Black has a piece(s), which does (do) not stay in simple or multi opposition (art.1.15-1.15.4). These requirements are written in articles 1.5.1 and 1.5.2.

      1. If in the Endgame position (and its transformations) Black is not attacked, then:

  1. if Black has three (or more) men, which may move, in this case at least one of these men must execute more than one move till the appearence of the Final position. The sacrifice of these men on their first move or by one, two or three moves one after another is not considered as development of the play and it is not admissible.

  2. if Black has two men, which may move, in this case the sacrifice of these men on their first move or by one or two moves one after another is not considered as development of the play, and it is not admissible [Exception: admissible is the Endgame position with Black men 5,36 and a White King on the one of the following squares: 14, 19, 23, 28, 32, 37 and 46 if at least one of these Black pieces did participate in the previous play (art. 1.13.1.). In this case the White King move leading to this Endgame position must be exact].

  3. if Black has one man, which may move, in this case the sacrifice of this man is not considered as development of the play if Black has the choice: to sacrifice or not to sacrifice.

      1. If in the Endgame position (and its transformations) Black is attacked by a single White King in absence of any other White piece, then:

  1. if Black has at most three men, in this case a Dual is not permitted.

  2. if Black has more than three men, in this case such Endgame position may be considered as the end of the Thematic variation if White move(s) is(are) not exact till Final position.

1.6. The Final position.

The Final Position can be arrived at in two ways: directly after the Combination or after the Endgame.

1.6.1. The Final position appears immediately after the Combination.

This Final position must be pure. It means:

a) the presence of only one White piece (man or King) if Black is absent in the Final position;

b) the Black pieces are blocked, and White has nothing but the minimum number of blocking pieces.

1.6.2. The Final position appears after the Endgame position.

This Final position may be pure, but absence of purity in this Final position is also allowed. [e.g., the Short Endgame position: 43, K48/49, K26, where after (31)39/25 the the remaining position is impure, or the Playing Endgame position: 14, 36, 41, K46/47, 44. Solution (19) 39 (23) 33(28/29)22/24; this final position is impure]

1.7. The solution. Solving the problem means finding the winning series of moves for White. A position is not considered as a produce of problemism if there is no way to victory, or if there are several ways to victory. In a problem, there must be only one way to win, the one given by the author.

1.8. The second solution. This is a series of moves, different from those indicated by the author, which leads to a win before the Endgame position.

1.8.1. The second solution in the Endgame position. This is a move or a series of moves, to be played in the Endgame position of the author’s Thematic variant and different from the author’s solution, which leads as well to a win for White, but with a different Final position.

1.9. The Dual.

The Dual is the disturbance of the punctuality in the move(s) of White. The Dual does not lead to another Endgame position or to another Final position different from those appearing in the Thematic variant given by an author. The Dual exists with regard to the moves of White only. There are several types of Dual:

1.9.1. The alternative move. It means:

a) that a White piece can choose between two directions for a march without a capture with the same winning procedure [Example 1 (for a man): the moves 38-32-28 and 38-33-28 result in the same position. Example 2 (for a King): the moves 3-26 and 26-48 result in the same position like 3-25 and 25-48.].

b) that a White King can choose between two directions for a march with a capture with the same winning procedure [Exemple 3 : Black 13,19,23,26,30,38,42,45; White : 10,14,31,41,44; Solution : 4,4x27x25, 40,5 + or 4,4x31x25,40,5 +.].

1.9.2. The Freedom of movement for a White king.

This is a move, which may end at will on two or several squares of one diagonal.

1.9.3. The Interversion of moves. This is a change in the order in which White executes his moves.

1.9.4. The Prolongation of the solution, not leading to a Final position different from that indicated by author. [Example: Black K47; White 46,48,K15; Black to move. Solution: (36), and White wins either by 41,482(38)42/47, or by 4(47)15(36)41,482.]

1.9.5. Different sacrifices

This notion means the sacrifice of different pieces, without a change of Endgame or the Final position of the Thematic variant. [Example 1: Black 10,25,K14; White K2, K35, K45. Solution: 2-19(46) 30,5, or 35-19(46)30,5. Example 2: Black 2,11,16,43; White K3,K26,K35. Solution: 3-21,8,49+ or261,8,49+.]

1.10. The Mill-capture. It is a capture in which apiece executes a circle-movement.

Such move may consist a complete circle-movement and in this case it begins and finish on the one and the same square. But such move may consist also another movement and in this case a circle-movement is part of such move [Example 1: Black 8,9,13,17,28,36,38; White 24,29,37,40,48; Solution:43,31,23,23. Exemple 2 : Black 1,6,24,25,27,34,39; White 8,17,50; Solution: 44,2,2 +. Exemple 3 : Black 11,12,21,22,23,32,33; White 31,36; Solution: 27,27 +. Exemple 4 : Black 11,18,21,29,32,44,D23 White 10,14. Solution : 5,23 +.]

The inaccurate Mill-move executed by a White King is considered as a Dual (1.9.2). [Example 5: Black 21,22,23,28,31,32; White 39,D5; Solution: 33,44 or 50 +.]

1.11. The Thematic variant.

The Thematic variant (TV) is the development of the play with the exact order of moves indicated by the author, leading from the Initial position to the Final position without a Superfluous White piece (1.12.) and/or a Figurant (1.13.) either in the Endgame position or in the Final position if an Endgame position is absent. It is the author’s privilege to propose one variant as the Principal thematic variant (VTP) if several Thematic variants are present.

The presence of several Thematic variants is welcome, specially in the course of the combination, but it is in itself insufficient to make the Problem superior to one with a single Thematic variant. The originality and the spectacular character of the Combination remain the most important factors.

If its VTP is found to be defective, but some other thematic variant(s) is(are) presented, the Problem is considered as the produce of the problemism. If several TV are presented, they should be identified by upper case letters; lower case letters are to be used for Non-thematic variants and for Quasi-variants.

The organizers of a competition may specify an obligatory theme for the Thematic variant in a category.

1.11.1. The Non - thematic variant.

It is a development (appearing when Black has a real choice of moves) different from the development of the Thematic variant and leading to the win of White without the observance of requirements of the Thematic variant. [Example: 8,9,10,35,K49/37,42,45,K50. Solution: 38(46,a)40,5; a)(41)40,46. The variant a) is the Non-thematic variant.]

1.11.2. The Quasi-variant.

It is a development, which does not change the subsequent development of the Thematic variant if two (or more) Black pieces have the choice of the capture-move. [Example: 17,33,35,38,40,42/24,29,30,K4. Solution: 19(33x13, a) 49,48. The variant a) is the Quasi-variant: (35x13)4x27x35,48.

1.12. The White superfluous piece.

This is White piece, which is not necessary for the win in the Endgame position of the Thematic Variant (or in this Variant’s Final position in the absence of an Endgame position). No such piece can be permitted.

1.13. The Figurant. The Figurant is a Black piece, which is staying in the Endgame position (or in the Final position), which did not participate in the development of the play (art.1.13.1), and which:

    1. sacrifices itself in short Endgame position [1.5. a)];

    2. does not participate in the development of the play from the Endgame position till the Final position;

    3. is blocked in the Final position.

1.13.1. As participation in the development of the play there is considered the execution at least the one of the following functions:

  1. the movement of piece;

  2. the limitation of the movement of Black piece;

  3. the creation of the capture-move of White by its presence;

  4. the creation of the Initial position (with its transformations during the solution);

  5. the creation of the naturality of the previous move of Black if White are attacked in the Initial position.

Points d) and e) of 1.13.1. are demonstrated by two examples. Example 1: 6,8,15,18,20,37/11,21,24,27,29. Solution: 23,3,271,24. Example 2: 8,9,18,20,26,30,36/28,37,40,41,42,46. Solution: 38,23,34,37. In the Initial position Black man 26 may be removed, but then it is necessary to prove the legality of the Initial position. After the removal of the Black man 26 the legality is proved from the position: 8,9,16,20,30,36/21,22,28,37,40,42,46,47. After 471(18) the Initial position of this example appears, but from the point of view of the aesthetic impression such situation harms more than the presence of Black man 26 in the Initial position.

1.14. The Latent figurant .

The Latent figurant is Black man which did not participate in the development of the play (1.13.1.) before an Endgame position or a Final position and which is not staying in an Endgame position or a Final position being captured by a White piece during the combination. The Latent figurant may be removed out from the Initial position without an infringement either Initial position or a change of White moves of author’ TV [Example 1: Black 10,32,42; White 33,39,43,D50; Solution: 28,38,5 +. In this example Black man 10 is not latent figurant because Black man 10 is utilized to form exact capture move of White King. Example 2: Ruiter, De Problemist, February 1992 . Black 7,8,10,14,19,20,22,24,27,28,29,32,35,36; White 16,30,31,33,39,40,42,43,44,45,46,47,48,50; Solution: 394, 43, 33, 33, 39, 471, 11, 11x4, 49(41) 37(23) 450, 44, 5 +. In this example Black man 8 may be removed out from Initial position without an infringement of author’ TV, but if it will be done, in this case White moves will be changed: 394,43,33,33,39,471,11, 11x2,etc… +, Therefore Black man 8 is not Latent figurant.].

Nevertheless, Latent figurant may be performed in the Initial position to keep the TV if otherwise there is a Dual (or a threat or a Dual). [Example: 3,5,8,11,26,27,33,35/ 15,23,24,30,36,42,47,50. Solution: 10,31,42,2,9, 44. Black man 33 is the Latent figurant placed to avoid the threat of the second solution by first move 427 etc.] But the presence of a latent figurant in a problem is undesirable.

1.15. The simple opposition.

The present RI consider the simple opposition as the position in which one Black man and one White piece (man or King) are staying vis-à-vis over one square on one and the same vertical, or diagonal, or horizontal, where Black has no move apart from the self-sacrifice [Examples: 24/34; 25/34; 35/34; 38/D48; 36/D47; 36/D37, etc.]

Too the present RI consider as the simple opposition the following positions: 1/11, 11/21, 21/31, 31/41, 10/20, 20/30, 30/40 in spite of the fact there is more than one move till Final position is appeared.

The present RI don’t consider as simple opposition the position in which the Black man and the White piece are staying on different horizontals and diagonals (e.g. 36/K32 is not a simple opposition). Also positions in which the White man and the Black piece are staying on the same diagonal or vertical line at a distance of more than one square are not considered as simple oppositions. [Examples: 26/48; 8/28 etc.]. Such a position is considered as a Playing Endgame position leading to opposition (like, p.e., the position: 27/D1, Black move (32)29(37)47]

1.15.1. The Natural simple opposition. This is an opposition involving a Black man which has participated in an earlier phase according to a), b), d), e) of art.1.13.1.

1.15.2. The Artificial simple opposition.

It is the opposition in which the Black man may be removed without a distortion of the Problem solution. Such a Black man is considered as a Figurant, even if this removing leads to the appearance of the second solution or the Dual. At the same time the Black man present in the Artificial opposition is not considered as a Figurant in the Principal TV, if this Black man participates in some other variant. [Example: B.Shkitkin, "64", N 11, 1978: 8,10,11,21,28,32,38/ 19,20,24,30,40,43,47. Solution: 194(19,A)2,43, 38,38. A(49)5,23, 2,38,38. The Black man 28 stays in the Artificial opposition of the Principal thematic variant, but participates in the other variant and may not be removed.]

1.15.3. The Multi-opposition.

The Multi-opposition is a position in which two (or more) simple oppositions are present. The Multi-opposition is admissible only if each Black man in this position has performed at least one function according to 1.13.1. [Example 1: 17,20,26,30,35,39,40/28,31,32,33,37,44,50. Solution: 23,317,44,22,45. Black man 26 is placed to avoid the superfluous White piece 37 and has executed no function written in 1.13.1., therefore Black man 26 is a Figurant.]

The same requirement applies to the Playing Endgame position leading to the Multi-opposition: each of the Black men of that Endgame position must have performed at least one of the functions written in 1.13.1. [Example 2: 4,7,14,22,23,32,38/16,25,30,40,43,44,45. Solution: 20,27,34,27(12)22(9)29(13)23. In the Endgame position of this example the Black men 4 and 7 have executed no one function written in 1.13.1., therefore they are considered as figurants. Example 3: D.Bosma, "Het Damspel", 01.03.1931: 6,8,9,15,17,18,22,27,28,36/ 11,25,26,29,34,37, 38,43,44,47. Solution: 41,24,32,21,1. The Playing Endgame position leads to the Multi-opposition: (28)29(32)42(11)21(16)17(20,37)47. This Playing Endgame position is correct because Black men 6 and 22, arrived in the Multi-opposition on the squares 16 and 37 did participate in the creation of the Initial position, and, thus they correspond to art. 1.13.1. d).]

1.15.4. Everything written in the articles 1.15 - 1.15.3. is valid also if the opposition (simple or multi-opposition) is only a part of the Endgame position, e.g. if in some Endgame position there is, apart from the opposition (simple or multi-opposition), some other position which may be considered as either an independent Endgame position or a Final position (p.e., K46/K5; 36,41,K46/47; 43,K49/48,K35 etc.)

In these cases:

a) the Natural simple opposition is admissible;

b) the Artificial simple opposition is not admissible;

c) the Multi-opposition is admissible if it satisfies the requirements written in 1.15.3.

1.16. The main technical definitions given in arts. 1.1-1.15.4. applies equally to problems with and without Kings in the in the Initial position. The additional and essential requirement for problems with one or more Kings in the Initial position is, that none of these Kings can be replaced by a man.

1.17. Three levels of composition rules are defined, according to the conformity of the Thematic variant to restrictions in terms of the technical features described in 1.1-1.16: Rules of Base (RB), Rules of Master (RM), Rules Superior(RS).

The technical quality of a Problem is to be established by referring to the Rules Superior, it increases together with its conformity to the RS. However, this does not imply that a Problem at the RS level is automatically superior to one, which observes these rules less completely.

1.17.1. Rules of Base.

A problem satisfies the RB, if:

  1. the Initial position is legal (1.3.);

  2. in the Initial position equal pieces number of each color is present or a Black advantage is at most two pieces ( a White advantage is not limited);

  3. the Problem has a solution (1.7.);

  4. the author’s solution is the only solution (1.8.);

  5. there is no type of the Dual (1.9.-1.9.5.) on the first move of the solution.

Thus any position, invented or taken from an actual game, may be considered as a Problem, if it corresponds to the RB.

1.17.2. Rules of Master.

A Problem satisfies the RM, if the Problem has a solution (1.7.) given by the author as the Principal TV (1.11.), and if its the VTP satisfies the following requirements (if a Problem has only one TV then this one TV is considered as the Principal TV):

  1. the Initial position is legal (1.3);

  2. in the Initial position equal pieces number of each colour is present or a Black advantage is at most one piece or a White advantage is at most two pieces [An exception is allowed for the Giant problems (1.2), where Black may have an advantage of two pieces; in this case, however, there must not be any type of the Dual (1.9-1.9.5.) in the solution.];

  3. there is no solution apart from the one given by the author (1.8-1.8.1);

  4. there is no Dual, neither in the Introductory play nor in the Combination (1.2);

  5. there is no Dual on the first move of the White King in the Endgame position (1.5.-1.5.3) if this move is a capture [except the Dual in the Natural oppositions Black man/White king (1.15.1.): 32/K42, 33/K43, 38/K48, 39/K49, in these cases the Dual is admissible];

  6. in the development of the Endgame position the Dual is absent or at most one type of Dual occurs [except one case of the Endgame position with a single white King [1.5.2. a)], in this case the Dual is not admissible]. The presence of two types of Dual in one and the same TV and in one and the same move is not allowed.

  7. the development of play in Endgame position without an opposition satisfies the requirements of 1.5.1.-1.5.2. and the development of play in Endgame position with an opposition satisfies the requirements of 1.15.-1.15.4.;

  8. neither a Superfluous piece (1.12.) nor a Figurant (1.13) is present.

If a Problem presents several Thematic variants, then only the Principal VT must conform to the technical definitions in 1.1-1.16.; in that case the disagreement of the other TV with the requirements stated in the points d), e), f) and g) of this section is not a negative factor for these other TV and for the Problem as a whole.

The regulations of a competition may overrule conditions "b" by forbidding any material advantage in the Initial position, or by admitting an advantage of only one piece for any colour, in this case the point "b" no more valid. The organizers of a competition have a right to include point e) from RS (about inadmissibility of the Latent figurant) as the special condition of a competition.

1.17.3. Rules Superior.

A Problem satisfies the RS, if the Problem has a solution (1.7.) given by the author as the Principal TV (1.11.), and if its the VTP satisfies the following requirements (if a Problem has only one TV then this one TV is considered as the Principal TV):

  1. the Initial position is legal (1.3.);

  2. in the Initial position equal pieces number of each colour is present or a material advantage of any colour amounts to at most one piece.

  3. there is no solution apart from the one given by the author (1.8.-1.8.1);

  4. there is no type of Dual in the solution (1.9.-.1.9.5.);

  5. no Latent figurant (1.14.) is present.

  6. the Endgame position (1.2.) satisfies the article 1.5.1. and 1.5.2. a) and the Final position (1.2.) is pure [it is possible only in two cases written in a) and b) of 1.6.1.];

  7. all sacrifices of White pieces and all the Majority-sacrifices are economic or simple (1.4-1.4.3.);

  8. the Mill-capture (1.10.) is absent from the moves of White;

  9. the Artificial opposition (1.15.2.) is absent;

j) neither a Superfluous piece (1.12.) nor a Figurant (1.13) is present.

If a Problem presents several Thematic variants, then only the Principal TV must conform to the technical definitions in 1.1-1.16.; in that case the disagreement of the other TV with the requirements stated in the points d), e), f), g) h) and i) of this section is not a negative factor for these other TV and for the Problem as a whole. The regulations of a competition may contain the additional condition of a material equilibrium in the Initial position, instead of "b", in this case the point "b" is not valid.

1.18. These composition rules for problems were formulated by the technical committee of the CPI FMJD

[ Bruijn (The Netherlands), A.Tavernier (France), S.Yushkevitch (Ukraine, the chief of the committee)].

January 2002 – June 2002




2.1. All draughts problem competitions are conducted by correspondence. A competition must be run according to The International Rules (RI) from the moment of their issue. The RI are in force from the moment they are advertised by the FMJD in "Le Monde Damiste", or "The FMJD Almanac", or the FMJD websites on the Internet : or The advertisement of a competition must specify what kind of C-problem is acceptable as an entry to the competition. A C-problem will receive no points if it does not satisfy the conditions specified in the advertisement of the competition, or if there are less than 5 White pieces, or if the first White move is a capture, or if its development of play does not include a combination. (see 1.2.) A problem will also receive no points if it is substantially the same as a problem already published or took part in a previous competition. International master points are not awarded for C-problems at Base Level only. They are only awarded for C-problems at Master Level and Superior Level. Superior Level C-problems will always be accepted for Master Level competitions. For Superior Level competitions, only Superior Level C-problems will be accepted. Problems with joint authorship will not be accepted, except in team competitions. Master points are not awarded for problems with joint authorship.

2.2. Any problem entered for any competition must be accompanied by a solution written by the author. The problem must be previously unpublished. It must not have been entered for any previous competition. It must not be a corrected version of a problem (or a correction of the solution of a problem) which was awarded zero points in a previous competition. Both such and published problems may be entered in the so-called ‘retro competition’ which may be organised (or recognised) by the CPI every 4 years, where a candidate may submit not more than 3 problems for each type (combination and/or endgame). Problems must be sent by post. (Email is not acceptable.)

2.3. The panel of judges for any competition must include at least 3 and at most 7 members from different countries. The final score awarded to each problem from each candidate is worked out according to the following formula. If there are 3 judges then the average of the 3 scores is taken giving the middle score double weighting. If there are 4 or more judges then the highest and lowest scores are discarded and the average taken of the rest. Judges may also be candidates as long as there are at least 5 judges. Judges must not judge their own entries. Candidates can never be judges in the Individual neither World (Europe, America, Asia, Africa, Australian region) Championship nor Cup tournament. The judges only consider the solutions which have been submitted by the authors. Judges must be accepted by the CPI before the judging begins. The organisers of the competition may appoint a Chief Judge, who may or may not be one of the judges. The chief judge will be responsible for collecting the individual judges’ scores, remarks sent to positions, handling appeals, etc. Judges must not know the names of the authors until the defined results are issued. In the case of an appeal the chief judge shall be the only judge who knows the name of the candidate who has appealed.

2.4. A list of provisional results should be issued. This list should be a rank order only. Points scored should only be indicated for problems which have been awarded zero points. Authors’ names should not appear with the provisional results. All authors’ names and all points scored should include in the defined results. Infringement of the provisions of this paragraph will result in the non-endorsement of the final results of the competition by the CPI as regards the awarding of master points.

    1. The competition advertisers should include information as to where the provisional results and defined results will be issued. This information should be given in French or in English; a Russian translation should also be available. Competitors must be informed of the reasons for any zero score if such information is absent. Competitors may appeal against awards of zero points. They must appeal within one month of the publication of the provisional results, or within one week of the publication of the defined results. There is no appeal against the defined results. Appeals must be made to the organisers of the competition, who must inform the judges immediately. Appeals must be based on analytic errors of fact only.

    2. The person who receives the entries for a competition must not be one of the judges for that competition. Entries received should be sent to all the judges, or to the chief judge if there is one. Authors’ names should be withheld. Deadlines must be strictly adhered to. Authors may revise their entries subject to the following conditions. Only one revision is allowed. A completely new entry must be submitted including all the other unrevised problems (if any). This new entry will replace the previous entry which will be discarded. All entries must include solutions to the problems, and the names and addresses of the authors, otherwise they will not be considered.

2.7. The defined results must be issued between 2 and 3 months after the first list of provisional results is issued. This time limit can be extended in exceptional circumstances. (For example, if a new judge is appointed to replace a previous judge, or if a zero score appears in defined results which did not appear in the original provisional results.) Authors must not publish problems submitted to the competition until after the defined results have been issued. Should any author do this, his/her problem will be disqualified from the competition. Possible circumstances in which it might be necessary to issue a revised defined results are the following:

a) If it turns out that one of the judges is related to one of the competitors.

  1. If it turns out that one of the competitors has entered 2 or more problems which are too similar. In this case the problem scoring the most points is retained, and the others are disqualified.

  2. If an appeal against a zero score appearing in the defined results are upheld.

  3. If it turns out that a competitor has infringed paragraph 2.2 above.

Defined results become the final results within 2 weeks of their issue, if there is no situation indicated in a), b), c), d), of this section. If that situation is appeared, defined results become the final results within 1 monts after their issue. After defined results are issued no remark as regards to the quality of positions sent is accepted, except an appeal of a participant.

2.8. All problems should be given a score out of 100,0 (minimal score is ‘0,0’points). Once the provisional results have been issued judges may only revise their score for a problem if it is later found to be defective, or not sufficiently original, or if an appeal of a participant is upheld.

2.9. Anyone participating in any competition authorised by the CPI is regarded as having agreed to be bound by the International Rules of the CPI.

2.10. Any special regulations for a particular competition should be advertised. The advertisement of the competition should be given in English or French, and be translated into Russian. The advertisement of a competition should include the following information.

a) The organisation who will run the competition.

b) The number of sections, any restrictions on both the type and level of problem that may be entered for each section, a theme for each section: free or obligatory.

c) The numbers of Black and White pieces allowed in the initial position of problems entered.

d) The maximum number of problems that may be entered for each section by one author.

e) The address of the organisation running the competition, or of the person entries should be sent to.

f) The deadline for sending entries. (This deadline should be at least 3 months from the date of the advertisement of the competition.) The date of submission is defined by the post mark of sending.

g) Any other special conditions as may be required by the organisers of the competition.

h) Where the provisional results and the defined results will be made available.

2.11. Master points in competitions organised or recognised by the CPI FMJD must be awarded in accordance with the CPI FMJD statutes. The procedure for endorsement of a competition by the CPI FMJD (if not organised by the CPI FMJD itself) is as follows:

a) the CPI FMJD should receive a copy of the regulations of the competition, and the names of the judges before the judging starts;

b) the CPI FMJD should receive copies of all provisional and final results of the competition, including copies of the judges’ reports.

Recognition of a competition by the CPI FMJD is conditional on the International Rules and the CPI FMJD statutes being observed at all times. It is the responsibility of the organisers of the competition to ensure that this is done.

2.12. The French text of the International Rules is definitive in case of different interpretations. Amendments to the International Rules may only be made by decision of the CPI FMJD. The current International Rules were confirmed by the CPI FMJD 03.10.2002.

President of the CPI FMJD S. Yushkevitch

Secretary of the CPI FMJD S. de Bruijn


