International checkers world records (8)

71. 'Biggest' draughts problem ever

Ephren St. Maurice from Montreal, Canada made this one (on a 400 squares board) in 1896. See also Wonderlijke dammen.

72. Quickest loss of all pieces

Vic Voskuil from The Netherlands losses with black all the pieces after only 16 moves.


73. Longest 3 to 1 endgame

F. van Sterkenburg from The Netherlands lets the white pieces win in 16 moves (31 ply's).



74. Most members of one family in a team

Six members of family Zuur in the team of Damclub Harkstede, Netherlands: Atze, Berend, Harke jr., Harke sr., Jan and Klaas (2003)

75. Most generations of one family in a team

Grandfather, father and son Van Mourik in the team of Damclub Gorinchem, Netherlands (in the nineties).

76. Deepest analyse

The book about the world championship international checkers 2002 contains an analysis of a game between Dul Erdenebileg (Mongol) and  Alexander Getmanski (Russia). The analysis of Lambert-Jan Koops has variants like and  (page 147) and and (page 149). Here is the complete variant with a draw as result.


77. World record playing draughts simultaneously in a blind session: Italian draughts

Michèle Borghetti played in 2003 against 23 Italian players. He won 17 times and played 17 times a draw.

78. World record playing draughts simultaneously in a blind session: English/American checkers

Gardner from the U.S. played in 1908 against 28 opponents.

79. Draughts problem with the most 'second' solutions

A composition of Dutchman W. Jurg (1952). 48 'second' solutions.


Bijoplossingen (afkomstig van het juryrapport van de Coup du Président 2002)

I) 350,2-11,30,34…. +

II) 42,350,4,10,27,6(471)26,37,37 +

III) 350,42,4,10,27,6(471)26,37,37 +

IV) 161,350,4,10 + or 350,161,4,10 +

V) 161,350,4,26,13(23-14)10(2)37-32 +

VI) 161,350,4,26,25,1,24,23,13(11)42,29,4,15,37,240(31)37,29,6 + With many variants

VII) 350(244)42(124)4 +

VIII) 26,350,4 +

IX) 26,350,4(3A,8B)31(35)30,32 + A) (14-19)11,267,24 + B) (31,42)193,13,48+

X) 26,350,4(25)19(31)27,30(5)34(37)32,48 +

XI) 350,26,4(14-19)11,26x17,24,28 +

XII) 26,350,4(14-3)19(228)6(3-8)331(13)27(49-35)328(17)4(8-2)340,38,15(33)47 + With many variants

XIII) 26,31(15AB)161,267,13,10,30+ A) (3)350,4(19)327,12,28(14,32)27,27(49) 17,18,18+ B) (30)354,30(19)11,267,24

XIV) 26,31(3)30,4(25)19(3)14(25)30,32(23)11,19 + With many variants.

XV) 8-3 +

XVI) 8-3(26,27,1,17)350,4(5)3+

XVII) 8-3(1A)4(25)20,25(15)24 + A) (8)13,30 +

XVIII) 4,15 +

XIX) 4,15(3-12)350,13,7 +

XX) 4,15(26)12(27,7)18,11(3)6 +

XXI) 4,15(26)8(21)17(3)10,372,411,26(14)30(10)3(25)2(5)26(28,6)340(253)472,33(37)25(28) 24,

14 + With many variants

XXII) 4,15(26)8(17)340(455)34(27)39,48,10,42 +

XXIII) 4,15(26)8(17)372(27)12(37)12(37)25(48)20(28,42,6)37,37(450)14 +

XXIV) 4,15(26)8(17)7(27)350,32 +

XXV) 4,15(26)8(17)10(27)36,25(19,32,15)21(23)7(28)32(50)3 +

XXVI) 4,15(26)8(17)340(455)34(27)7,5,4,340,4-10,37(42)461,43(27,17)471 +

XXVII) 4,15(26)8(17)340(455)34(27)340,4,36,9,12,20(12)30(18)48(6)14 +

XXVIII) 4,15(26)8(17)340(455)34(27)36,37(46)10,15(38)3-24,17(23)38(45)32(50)27(6)11,27

XXIX) 4,15(26)8(17)340(455)34(27)10,21,30,36,37(46)32,21(45)15(28)38(7)31 +

XXX) 4,15(26)8(17)340(455)34(27)39,48,161(6)11(17)10,42 +

XXXI) 4,15(26)8(17)340(455)34(27)39,48,32(37)14(9)30 +

XXXII) 4,15(26)8(17)340(455)34(27)39,48,7,7x42(227)21 +

XXXIII) 4,15(26)8(17)340(455)34(27)39,48,36(41)37,8 +

XXXIV) 4,15(26)8(17)340(455)34(27)39,48,4,32(27)32,15 +

XXXV) 4,15(26)8(17)340(455)34(27)39,48,472,5(39,36)7 +

XXXVI) 4,15(26)8(17)340(455)34(27)39,48,31(36)472,43,21,27,27(38)22,29(30,43)2-19 +

XXXVII) 4,15(26)8(17)340(455)34(27)39,48,13(9)36(41)37,32(27)32,24(28)471 +

XXXIII) 4,15(205,14)24(14-19)2(23-5)23(29)23(34)30(48)15-24,2-8,11,24-33,1,26(39,17)30 +

With many variants.

XXXIX) 350,8,4(26)25(27)19(261,32,5)25-14,28 +

XL) 350(14)8/13,4(14-19)11,26(2)13(19)18(2)30,19(42)37,37 + With many variants.

XLI) 42,8,350,4,10(26)293,31,8(36)41,4(36)8-13,31 +

XLII) 11,350,4,10(11)5(17)323(32,19)26,32,35,50 +

XLIII) 2-11,2(26)3(27)17(15A)372,21 + A) (272)27(12)17 +

XLIV) 42,161(47)350,4(36)10,16(27,27)32(36)4(47)36(11)21(16)26 + With many variants.

XLV) 8-3(8)12(7)18,11(27,29)5,30(40,6,17)25(24)283(39)33,23 + With many variants.

XLVI) 42(47)350,4(36)10,16(27)31,32(36)4 +

XLVII) 350,13,4(149)11,26(5)13(23-14)10(2)27(16)261(2)372(35)16 +

XLVIII) 42,26,350,4(3)19(36)31(9)13,11,28(11)2(35)37(40)35(14)294,37 +

80. Quickest combination with a king on an occupied field.

White: Y. Hassan - Black: A. Hassan, two draughts players from the Libanon in a tournament in Dakar, Senegal in 1994


1. 34-29, 19-23; 2. 39-34, 14-19; 3. 33-28, 20-25; 4. 38-33, 15-20; 5. 42-38, 17-21; 6. 31-26?, . . . 
After only 6 moves (11 ply's) a combination on an occupied field.
6 . . ., 18-22; 7. 29x27, 20-24; 8. 26x17, 11x42; 9. 48x37, 24-30; 10. 35x24, 19x48, . . . white resigned.

Jan Pieter Drost from Amsterdam, The Netherlands, construated two artificial games with  combinations on an occupied filed after only 9 ply's.1. 31-27, 17-22; 2. 36-31, 19-23; 3. 33-29, 14-19; 4. 38-33, 19-24; 5. 42-38? You can mirror this: 1. 34-29, 19-23; 2. 40-34, 17-22; 3. 32-27, 11-17; 4. 38-32, 17-21; 5. 43-38? 

1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9
